General Services Administration
Contract: Moving Services – GSA Office Administrative Services (OAS)
Client: General Services Administration
Total Contract Value: Time & Materials
MOTIR provided Moving & Logistics Services, event set-up and disassembly to the GSA Central Office and other government owned facilities within a 25-mile radius of the facility. The contract included multiple task orders, daily staffing requirements, and special requests on a routine basis. This included providing short notice set-up for event spaces such as conference rooms, auditorium, and special event spaces, as well as assembly and disassembly if system modular furniture. MOTIR provided all the necessary supplies, materials, tools and equipment, as well as an on-site supervisor, project manager, and 10 movers & installers.
- MGM National Harbor, LLC
- U.S. Department of Transportation Surface Transportation Board
- Smithsonian Institution
- DCPS Inventory & Relocation Services for the Consolidated School Initiative
- US Department of Agriculture (APHIS/USDA)
- DC Office of Tax and Revenue
- General Services Administration
- District of Columbia